Some of the best 1920’s and 30’s graphic images were created for cosmetic and perfume packaging, for match boxes and for fruit crates.
ST90 - California Orange
Crate Labels
ST110 - Match Box Labels
ST80 - French Deco
Cosmetic Labels
And finally, jazz up your Christmas and Valentine cards and packages with these holiday stickers. The images (over 30 per box) come from 1920’s and 30’s greeting cards and gift tags.
ST108 - Christmas Stickers - $8.95
ST109 - Valentine Stickers - $8.95
From the Golden Age of Travel (the 1890’s thru the start of WWII), come these boxed sets of die cut, full color, self-adhesive reproduction luggage labels. Perfect as portable advertising, labels were originally placed on your baggage by hotels, railroads and steamships. Perhaps you picked up a few at that roadside attraction. Their beautiful designs capture the style and sprit of the period. Useful for many decorative purposes, as well as making your friends wonder where you’ve been lately. Label sizes vary, but average 3” to 4.” Individual topic sets have 20 labels. (There are no duplications among the sets.)
ST51 - Golden Age of
Transport Labels
ST75 - Wings of the World Labels $8.95
ST76 - Great American
Cities Labels
ST52 - American Byways Labels
ST111 - Grand Hotels Labels
ST138 - World Traveller Labels